Topic : Boogeyman Originally my topic/idea was I wanted to create an electronica music label, giving then label a branded identity based from experimental art works from 1920' s surrealism avant-garde movement and electronic art music of today . But that wasn't really a topic more then a brain fart.
So because of this time of the year and Halloween being one of my favorite "holidays" I wanted to work on creating a monster or monsters. The boogeyman was just one fictional character that was holding my interest. Between countries and individuals the idea of the boogeyman can be interpreted a million different ways. One person could think of the boogeyman as monster under the bed or in the closet, while another could view it as a green gas or a figure created by light. I like the idea of creating monster “boogey monster” from a one’s id.
I would like to create different interpretations of the boogeyman based from asking friends, different countries and my opinion. The setting and characters will be a calogue of illustrations and stencils to create a monster.
LINKS “Sickness Unto Death” is a study of despair, which in the Danish derives from the notion of intensified doubt.